Team Structure
Inside Our Flawless Teamwork
The Spark Youth Robotics Club has an organized team structure that creates an effective but comfortable work atmosphere. All the members of SYRC are dedicated and passionate.
The SYRC team is run by two hard-working Grade 10 organizers, Lily and Angeline. It is then separated into two divisions; non-technical, consisting of jobs unrelated to the building of the robot, and technical, consisting of jobs revolving around the robot build. Finally, we have different subteams under each division that work in different areas.
Every member of our team is part of a technical subteam. We have people who specialize in software and hardware. The hardware team consists of two more subteams which are electrical and mechanical. The mechanical group focuses on building and designing blueprints for the robot. The electrical group focuses on powering and wiring the robot. Members of the software team program and code instructions for our robot.
The non-technical side houses two subteams: outreach and finance. Our outreach team uses their designing and writing skills for practical communication with outside sources of our team. Our economic plans are all formulated by our reliable finance team. They help us work towards our goals as a non-for-profit club.
It is essential to maintain a constant connection between comrades to have a unified team. Members of our team communicate amongst each other to learn about each other's work. Although separated into subteams, teamwork is encouraged and we still work closely to accomplish tasks. The synergy among SYRC members is always something to look forward to. Another crucial part of our team structure is our various subteam leads. These assiduous members practice their leadership skills to organize, guide and manage assignments for their group members. The final vital piece of our team is our mentors. Assorted adult mentors help guide our young members. It is especially helpful that they specialize in different areas related to our goals. We are grateful for their support and assistance.
Thanks to the hard work of each member, SYRC is a well-coordinated team that is ready for any challenge. Our solid team structure allows members to balance different jobs and provides a friendly environment for everyone.